Try finding a billionaire who earns anything close to the 10,000x return on political spending earned by California’s 57,000 public prison employees who collect $10 billion in annual compensation...
Free CA’s NPs!
Governor Newsom’s Proposed 2020–21 Budget  

Returns On Political Spending

By requiring NPs to work under physician oversight, California has effectively created a feudal system under which physicians get to earn unnecessary stipends...
Returns On Political Spending
Governor Newsom’s Proposed 2020–21 Budget  

Free CA’s NPs!

Last Friday, Governor Newsom released a budget proposal for the next fiscal...
Returns On Political Spending
Free CA’s NPs!

Governor Newsom’s Proposed 2020–21 Budget  


GFC brings balance to an unbalanced system by acting as a counterweight to the power of special interests in Sacramento. To achieve this, we leverage our large and growing network of donors and associated chapters to fight for the common good against special interest groups.

We do not represent any corporations, unions, professional associations or any one interest. We are completely independent. This independence is our greatest asset and comes from our diverse coalition of supporters who mobilize year after year to support GFC and the work we do.

Our independence allows us to do something unique in Sacramento, represent the interests of California as a whole.

[com·mon sense] • noun
Sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.


We are a voice for common sense in California. We fight for legislation that provides solutions to our problems and we liberate legislators from the pervasive negative influence of special interests.

Working within the GFC network our Common Sense Chapter focuses on bringing together all Californians who support rational, practical policy and legislation for California that represents the general interest. In line with that great American tradition of plain common sense, we are appealing to all citizens with good judgement to clean up the mess in Sacramento.


Common Sense chapter focuses on digital outreach to increase engagement with potential supporters through content creation and targeted advertising. We donate to support lawmakers who legislate in the general interest. GFC Common Sense Chapter is a part of the larger GFC network. GFC is the largest bundler of direct donations to members of and candidates for the state legislature. Our donations allow legislators to diversify their donor base which helps free them to pursue the general interest above special interests.

We mobilize our network as needed to support lawmakers, legislation, or candidates we believe in.


There are many ways to get involved with GFC. You can sign up to our email list to receive regular updates on our work with opportunities to get involved, or become a member of GFC and directly contribute for change in Sacramento.

Why Donate?

Donating is one of the most powerful tools you possess as a concerned citizen. The reality is, Lawmakers pay close attention to all the donations they receive. Elections happen only so often but lobbying and fund raising happen almost everyday they are in Sacramento. It's the never ending drip feed of money fueling their political machine. When we replace special interest money with your donations; we become their fuel.

Join the fight by supporting GFC Common Sense Chapter.

"Law requires we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed put "self-employed"

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How to become a member

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San Francisco, CA
April 30, 2020


If you have any questions or would like to know more about GFC or the GFC Common Sense Chapter, please contact us using the form below.

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Nicholas Langdon

Co Chair

Alex Mans

Co Chair